
My Best Friend in the whole wide world is officially MARRIED!!! The festivities leading up to it were perfect, as was their big day. I was so honored to be able to share in this special time and stand by her side as she once stood by mine, 3 years ago. Jen is the best person I know, the end. The biggest heart, keeps me laughing, keeps me sane, keeps the crazies away and keeps me in line. She's always there. I am definitely the luckiest girl in the world for having her by my side to share this life with. Now, as her Matron of Honor, I had to of course give a speech--holy shit that was nerve wracking! I DO NOT like being on the other side of things! Here is a little excerpt from my horrific speech--note to self, next time, write less (this is not all of it.) 'When I first sat down to prepare for this speech, I asked Brian for advice, because I wanted to make sure it was perfect. He simply said, "Well Jen's amazing, it should write itself." As cliché as it sounds truer words have never been spoken. As most of you know Jen has been tagged as my Blackheart Bestie. She's as sarcastic as it gets, cusses like a sailor, and always tells it like it is. But when it comes down to it, she's the most genuine, loving and kind hearted person I’ve ever met. She would truly do anything for anyone, and always goes above and beyond the call of friendship.

We always joke, saying ‘how in the world are we best friends?’ or man we chose poorly--We’re complete opposites: As you can see, I’m a giant and she’s barely 5 ft , my little ‘boob level’ friend which  makes for awkward pictures. My biggest fear in life is anything to do with vomit and she probably gets the stomach flu about 25 times a year; terrifying. I’m a messy disaster, I try to make lists but I always lose them and she’s as type A as it gets. Everything is planned to a ‘T’, she’s neat and perfectly organized.  I’m always late, she’s always early. I wouldn’t have it any other way. We balance perfectly and she keeps me in line, she’s everything I could ever want or hope for in a best friend. Some of our best memories have been spent laughing on the couch, watching Law and Order Re-runs until we fall asleep or organizing and color-coordinating my closet (her choice, not mine) while our boys play poker or video games in to the morning. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing or where we’re going, as long as we have eachother it’s a guaranteed good time.

As I look back, I’ve realized that every extraordinary moment in my life, you’ve been there. Every time that ever mattered, anytime that I’ve been happy, you’ve been by my side. Through college basketball games and classes, finding my now husband and supporting me through the bad breakups before him ;) to the birth of our two baby girls. You’ve been there. The strongest shoulder to lean on, the bravest face and biggest heart.  My number one cheerleader,  party planner extraordinaire,  other half and best person I know.  I honestly feel like you were sent to me, because there’s no way I ever could have made it through this life without you. I will forever cherish our memories made and look forward to whats yet to come and I’m so happy that you’ve found a love that you deserve.  '

I went on to blubber about how much I love her now husband, Scott and they're the best thing that ever happened to us, blah blah :)

On to the good stuff--how stunning is my best friend!!! Now she had fabulous photographers, you should know them well as they've captured every aspect of my life--Andi and Zoe Grant! (I can't wait to see their magic from her big day!) but as her best friend, doing a Bridal Session for her was the least I could do! I loved every bit of it, she's picture perfect. Now I hope the two love-birds are enjoying their honeymoon, lord knows I can't wait till they get home!!

Beautiful Make up by Kimberly Gonzales.   Fabulous Hair by Ash Fortis 


 Ohhhh that veil! You know I love a good veil!